January 29, 2013

Signs of Spring in January

I know it's only January 29th and the Groundhog hasn't even yet made his predictions, but today is a beautiful springlike day, currently 71 degrees and sunny, so I just had to go looking for some signs of spring.
And I didn't have to look very far!
The lenten roses don't seem to realize that Lent doesn't start for two more weeks.  Maybe they are predicting an early arrival of Hot Cross Buns.  We can only hope!
We have two plants in our yard, tucked slightly under the deck.  The pink one isn't quite open, but the flowers on the cream colored plant are more progressed.  

The sedum is sending out some green growth.
 This isn't the best of photos, but the mums have some green growth, too.
 The vinca, which grow wild along our south foundation wall have the courage to flower this time of year!
 There are nice little bright green leaves on the roses.
 I meandered down the slope to check on the daffodils, which seem like they are ready to open whenever we get a string of days like this.  See how big the flower heads are already?
 And the iris are up quite a bit, too.
 Since I was at the bottom of the slope, I decided to include a couple of pictures of our little stream.  There are some new sand bars that have formed during the last few bigger downpours and that is changing the course of the stream a little bit.
 I bet the turtles will enjoy crawling up on this mound of sand to sunbathe!
I also noticed that the super market weeping pussy willow plant that I planted last spring after it "bloomed" indoors has a few branches with fuzzy white showing.  I tried, but I couldn't get my camera to focus on the open buds... the lens just wanted to focus on the rocks under our deck which were in the background.  
Likely all these plants will suffer through a few more frosts and maybe some snow before spring is really here, but it is fun to see them showing such promise so early in the year!

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