March 22, 2014

Walking from Winter to Spring

The other day my friend Alice and I took a nice long walk from her house to Grovewood Gallery and returned by a different route.  Technically our walk started on the last morning of Winter and ended mid-afternoon on the first afternoon of spring.  It was a pretty, sunny day and a nice way to usher in spring!
I took a lot of pictures, so had to be selective in choosing which to include in this post.
Everywhere we looked, there were sweet spring flowers in bloom.  I'm not sure what these tiny flowers are.  The photo may look like phlox, but that's not what they are.
 And there were lots of daffodils and narcissus:
Here some pansies are sharing some space with the daffodils... they seem to get along well.
 And crocus, though they are mostly finished now.
 And here is some ground phlox, which was tumbling over a rock wall:
It is about a 2 mile walk to the gallery and much of it is gradually uphill.  So we were happy to see our destination in sight.
The Grovewood Gallery is next door to the Grove Park Inn which is clearly in view from Kimberly Ave.

In front of the Grovewood Gallery there is a sculpture garden.  Here are a couple of the pieces of artwork residing there.

And I wanted to add a couple shots taken from the Grove Park Inn.
The first one shows how nicely the grass is greening up on one of the fairways of the golf course.
And though it doesn't show the city skyline, the large white building just north east of center in the picture is Claxton School.  Alice's house is just a block away from that building.

And here's another view which I included even though the sun and a cloud obscured the upper right hand corner, because you can see Claxton School just under the mountains to the right.
To bring this to a close, I'll just add a few more pictures.
I think these next two photos are two types of sedum, one that the sun has brought out some gold in and the other rust.

 This lady buddha statue was standing guard in front of a private home.

It was a perfect day for a walk, punctuated by a nice lunch at the Grovewood Cafe!
Happy Spring!


  1. Sorry for the gap between photos taken from the Inn. Just when I think I've figured out to to import photos easily, something goes haywire! Probably easier to write a disclaimer here than trying to go back and fix it. :-)

  2. What a nice day! We should make this an annual event.

  3. Google maps shows that as about a 2 mile walk, the way they chose for a car anyway. Did you walk back after lunch too, or did someone with a car meet you there? Great photos, Anna-B -- all that "negative space" in your post makes no difference!

  4. Yes, Cheryl, we walked back. The route we took going was 1.8 miles, but I think our return route was a little longer. We walked through the GPI and then took Macon to Charlotte and went a bit further south than we needed to because we wanted to go to the store "Foundry" which sells crafts and gifts made from recycled repurposed goods. But, of course, the return walk was mostly downhill...
