We had some areas in our house repainted this week. Now you would think that two old people wouldn't be too hard on walls, but there are some places that just show signs of use no matter how careful you are.
One of those spots that really showed the wear was the area around the hooks that we use to hang our extra keys and my purse. Looking at the fresh paint in that spot between the hall tree and the half bath, just inside the door from our garage to the laundry room, I was thinking out loud about how we could protect the wall. I suggested some clear contact paper, which Russ thought was a terrible idea. (It probably was.) Then he said something which I thought was a brilliant idea. He said, "What about putting some fabric there."
So I went up to the sewing room, selected a scrap of rather neutral yellowish fabric, fused it to a rectangular piece of Pellon, folded the edges over and did a couple of lines of stitching and made a mat for under the hooks!
I think you get to share credit for the concept--Looks great!