June 30, 2012

Russ's Slope

You are right, Cheryl.  I should post some pictures of our slope in bloom.  With the current heat wave, I thought I had better get out my camera and document all the color before the warmth wilts the flowers and causes the weeds to bolt.
This first shot is from our deck, looking down toward the little stream, which really isn't very visible.
 You can see the yellow butterfly bush on the left, what's left of many of the day lilies (I think they are a little past prime) and then a pale purple butterfly bush on the right.
This next shot shows a deep purple butterfly bush and a spirea that is just past it's white bloom.
 Here's a close up of one of the flower spikes from that butterfly bush.
And some shots of some of the day lilies.  Aren't they spectacular?

I ventured down to the edge of the creek to get this view of the house looking up the slope.  The slope is a good 45 degree angle, but we had a walkway built this spring which makes it much easier for me to get up and down.

While down there, I got this nice shot of the blue hydrangeas surrounded by brown-eyed susans and the daisies that are just starting to open.
 You can see we have a large yellow butterfly bush and brilliant red flowers (cardinal flowers?) and I even found some salmon gladiolas, just to the left of that yellow butterfly bush.

And here are a few more pictures that I will let speak for themselves!

Happy summer!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful display of color! You're right, the day lilies are special - but the variety and the way everything just seems to belong to the slope and looks great together - gorgeous!
