June 2, 2014

Short and Tweet!

Recently a couple of loyal followers commented that I hadn't put up any blog posts lately.  So, I thought I better remedy that problem, since I need to keep all the friends I can!

Today I had the luxury of having a couple of undisturbed hours in my sewing room and I decided I would make a "president's block" for the most recent president of the Asheville Quilt Guild.  It's a tradition that guild members make blocks to honor the past president that he/she then is expected to fashion those blocks into a quilt.  Last year's president, like her two predecessors, requested a specific theme, as she plans to donate the quilt to a women's shelter.  It will hang in a room that they call "the bird's nest" at this facility, and so Yolanda asked for 10.5 inch blocks in "subdued colors" that would go along with a "bird nest" theme.

My friend Alice suggested that I could get some inspiration by googling "coloring book page" images of birds, nests, bird houses, etc.  That got me going and last night I used her suggestion to find a simple picture that I could modify for my design.

So, here's my block for Yolanda.

The fabric shapes are cut out and fused onto the neutral cream background fabric.  Since I had time and since I also had some skinny points that might not hold their fuse very well, I decided to do a machine blanket stitch to more permanently hold down the pieces.  I think the blanket stitching helps to define the shapes a little, too.  I'm not sure if the colors are really "subdued," but except for the browns, they do sort of lean toward pastel.  All of the pastel pieces were scraps of Laura Wasilowski's hand dyed fabrics left over from a workshop I did (and blogged about) last year.  

Since I'm a better "starter" than a "finisher," I'm always delighted when I can actually complete a project!

1 comment:

  1. And tweet it is! I think Laura Wasilowski would be pleased, too!
