February 24, 2016

Some signs of spring? Please!!!

This is the time of year when I often wander our small patch of property looking for signs of spring.  This month has been particularly damp, cool, and cloudy, so signs of spring are few and far between. 

I have seen a few daffodils in bloom, though those on our slope still need a few days of sunshine to show their faces.

But our Lenten Roses, tucked under the edge of our deck, are in bloom right on time.  So I can share a couple of photos of those with you.
Officially "hellebores," they are a plant I was not familiar with until we moved to North Carolina.  Here's our smaller plant which has a nice rich burgundy tinge.

I have also noticed that the pussy willows are out as we drive by one large roadside bush nearly every day.

Below are a few "fuzzies" on our weeping pussy willow bush which I severely pruned last fall.  I was glad a few new shoots survived to give us a little show this year.

I bought this weeping pussy willow at the local grocery store several years ago.  It was in a sunny yellow 4 inch pot, meant to be enjoyed inside this time of year.  After the plant leafed out, I planted it outside, maybe 5 years ago, and it now stands about three feet tall and over four feet wide.  So it was time for a "hair cut" because it's drooping branches were snaking into other plantings and under the deck.

I was outside during a brief sunny period on this windy, stormy day.  I wasn't inside more than 5 minutes before I could hear the rain pounding against the windows.  Crazy weather!


  1. Beautiful early springtime photos - thanks for sharing Ann! Did you take these yesterday? We never had any sun. And today it alternated, sunny, then wind and rain. Thanks for going out with your camera for us!

  2. Cheryl, I actually did post this on Wednesday, though not as early in the morning as the time stamp. The weather was on and off sunshine with rain and lots of wind. I was lured outside during a brief sunny period because the wind had overturned our deck furniture. That's when I took the photos and I posted them almost immediately and it was already raining hard then. I am really eager for Spring!
