April 22, 2010

Nada Nadiia

Yesterday I took a workshop with Aniko Feher on her technique for doing portraits out of fabric. She devised and uses this technique to make some very nice art quilts.
Aniko was well organized and had a nice down-to-earth approach as a teacher. I liked her personality a lot. She required us to use her kit called "Let's Face It Series: Nadiia," and prepared our work space in advance.
Remember doing "paint by number?" Well, this is sort of like that, only you are working with tiny pieces of fabric that you are fusing on in layers.
I realize from the photo, that my effort looks okay, but I can't say that I really liked the whole process, and I have absolutely no projects in mind where I can use her or this technique right now. So, I will probably not put hair on her, or dress her, or select a background fabric... at least not for a good long while. She will be in good company with my many other unfinished projects.
I did enjoy learning the technique and I can probably use some of Aniko's tips when doing other raw edge applique. I just found that I got very mentally tired by working so closely on such small details and I was at a frustrating point in my Nadiia when the workshop ended. Her face is quite smudged and some of her raw edges don't quite line up in spite of all my diligent marking. I came home a little discouraged and had to put her out of mind and sight for a while. This afternoon I did finish her right eye and gave her lips, so she's at a good point to be put away for a while.
I would have liked to know how Aniko made her "paint by number" pattern. How did she decide how many different shades of fabric she used? Does the fabric Nadiia actually resemble the real person? It's one thing to follow someone else's pattern, but quite another thing to develop one yourself. But, I guess that's another workshop!

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